Setup - Design - Layout
- 30+ FREE built-in templates
- 200+ custom templates
- 100% template-based designs
- Fully customizable CSS-based design & layout
- WYSIWYG text editor - Similar to a standard text editor you use now, in just seconds you can edit any page content
- Automated thumbnail generation
- Customizable HTML and text emails
- No programming required
- Complete site-builder package
- Easy-to-use web interface
- Easy-out-of-the-box storefront system
- Customizable localization: configurable currency symbol and weight/dimension measurement units, configurable list of countries/states/provinces
- No HTML knowledge required
- FREE UPGRADES for life!
- FREE Live Chat
Web Based Control Panel
- Password-protected administrative access
- Unlimited number of admin accounts
- Restricted Access Administration modules
- All changes are real-time
- Control storefront anywhere in the world using any web browser
- Full Shared HTTPS/SSL support
- Password-protected administrative access
- Real-time security notifications of all failed login attempts - 3 failed attempts lockout
- Protected registration pages and e-mail forms with built-in random-number Captch image
- Comprehensive statistics:
- Number of orders
- Number of customers
- Product views
- Category views
- Sales by product / best sellers
- Total sales
Catalogs - Categories - Content
- Unlimited categories and sub-categories
- Organize your products and services to multiple categories and sub-category.
- Category descriptions displayed upon category selection
- Search engine friendly category url's
- Retail/Wholesale mode to allow a retail catalog and wholesale catalog with special pricing per customer type
- Membership based access
- Build custom category pages
- Category-specific meta tags
- Create a category tree with unlimited categories and category levels
- Categories can contain both products (i.e. featured products within the category) and subcategories
- Add category descriptions using the built-in WYSIWYG HTML editor
- Fully integrated Blog
- Fully integrated Forum
Product Catalog
- Unlimited number of products
- Unlimited number of categories
- Unlimited category nesting
- Products can be assigned to unlimited number of categories
- Ability to modify multiple products simultaneously
- Members-only categories
- Related products, up selling and cross selling
- 1-click enable/disable switch for products and categories
- Add up to 1,000 product at a time to your website using our simple upload wizard using any standard CSV file
- Create a detailed catalog of the products you sell online, with product descriptions, SKU numbers, sizes, colors, prices, ect.
- Unlimited number of product options
- Options can adjust product price, weight, SKU and inventory in stock
Product Details
- Unlimited product options/variants/properties w/optional price modifiers
- Customer-defined prices
- List a product in unlimited categories
- Unlimited number of product images
- Track product-inventory levels and set alerts to notify you when quantities are low
- Sell software and downloadable products with optional expiring download link
- Pricing levels - unlimited levels based on customer assignments
- Product Kits - add multiple products to create one kit product
- Cross sell products based on category, product or content pages
- Move products around with ease
- Backorderable products
- Individual product shipping/handling fees
- Subscription based products
- Discount coupon codes and gift certificates
- Full inventory control
- "Out of Stock" Messages
- Quantity discounts
- Retail and wholesale price
- Limit minimum order required amount
- Cross-selling: Promote related items on product and shopping cart pages to encourage larger orders. Define your own parameters or let our cross-selling tool determine which products to recommend
- Coupons: Create coupons to attract first-time shoppers, reward loyal buyers, and offer targeted promotions
- Discounting: Offer sale pricing and volume discounts
- Gift certificates: Increase store sales — particularly during the holiday season — by offering gift certificates on your site
- All customer data is stored in password restricted SQL database
- Real time order tracking
- Customer can choose between account registration or guest checkout
- Password reminder for customers
- Customizable e-mail notifications
- Wish list
- "Send to friend" section
- Ability to save the customer's cart
- Newsletter management for multiple lists, edit/import/export of subscribers, news archive for customers
- Multiple customer types w/unique pricing for each customer type
- Memberships and special pricing
- "Clear cart" button
- Printable invoices
- Reward Loyal Customers - customers earn loyalty points (optional) which can be used as cash to make future purchases.
- Greet regular visitors
- Registered customers can edit their profile 24/7/365 online from anywhere
- Registered customers can access order history via the account module
- Built-in newsletter engine
- Real-time order tracking
- Moderated product reviews and ratings
- Customers can search & browse personal order history
- Integrated configurable store product search
Shipping and Taxes
- Unlimited number of custom-defined delivery methods
- Flat rate, weight, order total and per-item based shipping
- Different weight limits for different delivery methods
- Mark your products as "free shipping" products
- Generate promotional "free shipping" coupons for your customers
- Add additional handling/freight charges at the product level
- Handle international, domestic and local shipping calculations
- Restrict shipping by location
- Allow your customers to choose delivery methods
- Support for downloadable e-goods
- Customizable tax calculations
- Product-specific taxes
- Taxes & shipping fees depending on client's location
- "Tax exempt" feature
- You can use any carrier you'd like, including FedEx, USPS, UPS or Local Pickup
- Set your own shipping rates by product weight, destination, order value, and more
- Calculate special tax considerations by state, city, zip and even local regions
Order Processing
- Real time order tracking
- Track and handle orders with ease
- Searchable order data
- Shipment/fulfillment interface
- Track Orders: Real-time Tracking Information for Customers
- Automated Shipping Notifications
- Fully integrated work flow tracking system based on your fullfilment flow
- Batch order printing feature
- Print packing slips for your shipments
- Advanced order editing to make adjustments to order items, shipping cost, tax, order credits, etc.
- Send emails to customers with shipping and tracking information
- Order stock levels can be adjusted when the order ships.
- Split orders into distinct parcel shipments or ship a single order in multiple shipments, keeping track of all shipping data like tracking information for each shipment.
- Search for orders by date, product, customer, etc.
- Edit pending orders: change quantity, remove/add products to the order, recalculate shipping, taxes and discounts, etc.
- Automatically send custom order e-mail messages you create
- Print a "pick list" of products that need to be pulled from inventory to fulfill pending orders
Built-in SEO Systems
- Pages can be indexed by all major search engines
- Custom META tags for product, category and content pages
- Custom URLs for product, category and content pages
- Search Engine Friendly URLs for product, category and content pages
- Create search-engine-friendly pages using easy wizards, and optimize your product, category and content page to improve search engine placement
- Complete integration with Google Analytics
Shopping Cart
- Select your preferences, and your shopping cart and checkout pages will be created automatically — no coding required
- Let customers see checkout totals before they pay. The shopping cart can automatically calculate shipping, tax, and discounts.
- Offer customers the ability to purchase gift wrapping or include a personal message with their order.
- Setup different types of discounts (e.g. shipping, product discounts and coupon codes)
Gateways and Payment Methods
- Payment systems (including CCNow, PayPal payments)
- Real-time credit card processors
- Real-time echeck processors
- Predefined set of payment methods (offline or online): checks, purchase orders, phone orders, wire transfer and etc.
- Accept and process payments via CCNow, PayPal checkout or a merchant account (any other merchant account using AuthorizeNet payment gateway platform).